Commercial Mommy is how my friends describe me. In fact, it's how I describe myself. A Los Angeles based actress, juggling the every day demands of co-parenting three children, who are also actors. I know that I am not alone in this circus feat! I have been successful in helping my kids create careers, remain accelerated in school and evolve into beautiful human beings. By sharing my journey, strategies and insights.....I hope to be of assistance AND inspiration to all of the other commercial mommies and daddies in the biz!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

When an Audition or Callback doesn't go my Way.....

So I have been asked many times, "How do you deal with the ups and downs of this business?" I take all of the information I have received before the audition and before the callback.  We actors scan the audition lobby to see if our peers have figured something out that we haven't.  We listen to the feedback other actors give as they walk out of the room.  In the perfect world, it is a very community based experience, where we are all trying to help one another do our very best in the audition room.

When a project doesn't go my way....I analyze it. I think about what I may have done that could have changed the outcome...and then I realize...IT'S NOT PERSONAL!! Sometimes that takes me a "minute" to get to, since I do put 150% into each audition.  Hair, wardrobe, copy, etc.  But at the end of the day, I do my best to leave the audition behind and take the experience with me.

When a job goes to someone I know....I smile, send a "woohoo!" and know that the universe will provide another opportunity.


  1. you are RIGHT! It is not personal! in casting we are looking for certain types and sometimes you are the right fit for a project, and sometimes you aren't! either way, stay in contact with the every casting professional you meet and touch base to see if there is anything new that you might be a good fit for! I always book talent that I've auditioned in the past when they thank me, facebook me, email me, keep in touch, etc. :) BUG US! :)

  2. Teresa, you are obviously a dedicated casting director... We actors love that!! It's great to know that you remember talent! I always try to remain memorable (a note or small token of appreciation). Thanks for your insight!
