Commercial Mommy is how my friends describe me. In fact, it's how I describe myself. A Los Angeles based actress, juggling the every day demands of co-parenting three children, who are also actors. I know that I am not alone in this circus feat! I have been successful in helping my kids create careers, remain accelerated in school and evolve into beautiful human beings. By sharing my journey, strategies and insights.....I hope to be of assistance AND inspiration to all of the other commercial mommies and daddies in the biz!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Taxes, opportunities, disappointments...OH MY!

Sometimes I think about the fact that one great paying a medicine spot...would alleviate all of our tax woes for the year!  And then I remember what I overheard a casting director say:
"The camera smells desperation a mile away!"

This is a funny business, commercials.  They want us to give 150% every time we audition in the hopes of winning the commercial lottery.  The most ironic part is that if we stay the course, we will win!

So, while I am thanking the universe for enough abundance to pay our taxes and still have savings, I am also thanking the universe for allowing me to give 150% every time I between school pick ups, kid's producer's sessions, field trips, pediatrician appointments and work days.  It has ALWAYS paid off.

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